Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 331: 19th Century Firearms

In This Episode

  • Erin and Weer’d discuss:
    • snow in Florida and earthquakes in New England;
    • members of certain 2A groups are able to apply for non-resident California concealed carry permits;
    • Chris Cheng of Operation Blazing Sword sits down with Washington Gun Law for an interview at SHOT Show;
    • a Florida man being shot by his own gun when LEO disarms him;
    • Tom Knighton’s comparison between Canada’s healthcare deaths and US gun deaths.
  • John Richardson talks about the devastation of North Carolina from Hurricane Helene;
  • Myles reviews the Henry Lever Action Supreme (LASR);
  • and David talks about semi-auto pistols vs. revolvers.

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Show Notes

Main Topic

John Richardson Interview

South Paw Corner

Gun Lovers and Other Strangers

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