Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 329: Sad Developments

In This Episode

  • Erin and Weer’d discuss:
    • the passing of Cam Edwards’ wife, Elaine;
    • Germany disarming political groups (again);
    • a bill in Colorado that, if passed, will ban the sale of most guns;
    • the ATF defying a court order by posturing about pistol braces create short-barreled rifles;
    • the Firearms Policy Coalition suing Massachusetts over their Handgun Roster;
    • the Second Amendment Foundation’s legal victory against Pennsylvania over adults  18-20 carrying guns;
    •  a negligent discharge on another podcast, and what we can earn from it.
  • David gives his review of the Mountain Billy GOAT-15.

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Show Notes

Main Topic

Gun Lovers and Other Strangers

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