Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 318: BS in the Front, Party in the Back

Weer’d, Weer’d, Weer’d. It’s all about Weer’d this episode.

In This Episode

  • Erin and Weer’d discuss:
    • the new NRA Executive Vice President’s disturbing (cat) skeleton in his closet;
    • Tim Walz going “hunting”, and the questions it raises about his knowledge of firearms and safety;
    • Kamala Harris owning a Glock, and how that’s really hypocritical of her;
    • a federal judge blocking the NYC carry ban in public spaces;
    • a former FBI agent in NYC caught with a massive stockpile of firearms;
    • families of the Lewiston, Maine shooting victims suing the Army for negligence in reporting the mental illness of the shooter;
    • and the case against Maryland’s assault weapons ban might be heading to the Supreme Court.
  • Weer’d fisks some big lies from the Michigan US Senatorial debate;
  • and Weer’d interviews author Caleb Daniels about the books of James Bond.

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Show Notes

Main Topic

Weer’d Audio Fisk

Caleb Daniels

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